Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Hunger Games fans looking for your next great read, look no further!

Lately I have been asked by patrons of my library and my friends for a book that will grab their attention like THG. The dystopian genre of YA fiction has REALLY taken off since the success of Suzanne Collins' trilogy, so there are lots of choices out there right now.

HOWEVER, all dystopian novels are not created equal, and after reading a few, I found that none satisfied me in the same way that THG did. When I stumbled across Divergent by Veronica Roth, I set my expectations pretty low- I mean, who could be as kick-ass as Katniss? What boy could capture my heart like the bread baking, cake decorating hunk of sweetness Peeta? Lucky for me, I found my answer.

Divergent is set in a dystopian Chicago, where all inhabitants are divided into 5 factions- Candor (honesty), Amity (Peace), Dauntless (Bravery), Abnegation (Selflessness), and Erudite (Intelligence). In this world, people are  born into their factions, but when they turn 16 they are evaluated. Based on the evaluations, they  may choose to stay within their factions with their families, or transfer to a faction that suits them better and leave their families behind to start a new life. The heroine of this story is Beatrice Prior, a girl born to abnegation, but wants something more. After completing her evaluations, she finds out that she is in fact, Divergent, meaning that she would fit into multiple factions, something that is both rare, and dangerous..

Now, I would love to tell you what she chooses at the choosing ceremony, what happens to her, and how it ends-but I strongly dislike it when people spoil books and movies for me, so I refuse to do that to whoever cares enough about what I think to read my blog. Lets just suffice it to say that Tris (Beatrice shortened her name, I feel okay telling you that much) has quite an adventure, and also develops a love interest. Those looking for a book with a sense of urgency, make sure you pick this one up when you have nothing else to do, because it will consume you.

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